Regulatory Contexts in the 5'-Region of mRNA from Arabidopsis thaliana Plants and Their Role in Translation Efficiency

Russian Journal of Plant Physiology(2020)

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In this study, the polysome profiling method was used for the separation of mRNA depending on their loading by ribosomes into polysomal and monosomal fractions. Separation of pools of such mRNA and analysis of transcripts (mRNA), which are characterized by a constant level of transcription in a wide range of absolute values at all stages of plant ontogenesis and associated with each pool of mRNA due to RNA sequencing, allowed for obtaining an idea about the translational efficiency of individual mRNA. The consequent in silico analysis allowed performing a search for regulatory contexts in the 5'-region of mRNA of Arabidopsis thaliana plants that may be potentially important for efficient mRNA translation. The results of the study revealed that pyrimidine dinucleotides and motifs are characteristic of a 5'-untranslated mRNA region with high translation efficiency, whereas purine dinucleotides and motifs are associated with transcripts with low translational efficiency.
Arabidopsis thaliana , 5'-untranslated region, nucleotide composition, start codon, translation, efficiency
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