Strong Terahertz Radiation Generation via Wakefield in Collisional Plasma

Journal of Taibah University for Science(2020)

引用 5|浏览26
We show that the transverse component of the wakefield can be produced with the application of an external magnetic field that generates radiation in the THz range. For this, we carry out analytical and numerical calculations to evaluate the components of the wakefield in a realistic situation of collisional plasma. We observe that the wakefield in the direction of the external magnetic field is produced, though the components of the wakefield are observed in the directions parallel and perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the laser and the magnetic field. Based on the approach of perturbation technique under quasi-static approximation, a study is made on the magnitude of emitted radiation pulses from the wakefield for the case of lasers of super-Gaussian profile. The field of THz radiation is found to be enhanced when stronger magnetic field is applied; the same is the case for the lasers of higher index.
Terahertz radiation,wakefield,collisions,plasma,super-Gaussian beams
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