In-beam Mössbauer spectra for 57 Mn implanted sulfur hexafluoride

Hyperfine Interactions(2020)

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To investigate the interactions of 57 Fe atoms with sulfur hexafluoride SF 6 molecules, in-beam Mössbauer spectra were measured for 57 Mn implanted SF 6 at 9 K and 65 K. Isolated 57 Fe atoms or ions produced by β-decay were not trapped within the SF 6 matrix. At 9 K, monomeric FeF 2 and FeF 3 molecules were produced by reaction of 57 Fe with F atoms released by decomposition of the SF 6 molecules. When the temperature of the SF 6 solid was increased to 65 K, FeF 4 was formed in addition to FeF 2 and FeF 3 . Density functional calculations were performed to confirm the assignments of the candidate species identified in the Mössbauer spectra.
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In-beam Mössbauer spectroscopy, Manganese-57, Sulfur hexafluoride, Iron fluoride, Density functional calculations
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