On first detection of solar neutrinos from CNO cycle with Borexino

L. B. Bezrukov, I. S. Karpikov, A. S. Kurlovich, A. K. Mezhokh, S. V. Silaeva,V. V. Sinev,V. P. Zavarzina


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Borexino collaboration reported about first measurement of solar CNO-{\nu} interaction rate in Borexino detector. This result is consistent with Hydridic Earth model prediction about the contribution of 40K geo-antineutrino interactions in single Borexino events. The potassium abundance in the Earth in the range 1 {\div} 1.5% of the Earth mass could give the observed enhancement of counting rate above expected CNO-{\nu} counting rate. The Earth intrinsic heat flux must be in the range 200 {\div} 300 TW for this potassium abundance. This value of the heat flux can explain the ocean heating observed by the project ARGO. The Borexino results of detection of CNO-{\nu} flux support the validity of Hydridic Earth model.
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