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Chemical sequential extraction of O horizon samples from Fukushima forests: Assessment for degradability and radiocesium retention capacity of organic matters


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To investigate how radiocesium (Cs-137) is retained in the O horizon via interactions with organic matter, we collected O horizon samples in Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) and konara oak (Quercus serrata) forest sites in Fukushima during the 8 years following the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. To assess degradability and Cs-137 retention capacity of organic matter, we conducted chemical sequential extraction with organic solvent and sulfuric acid, collecting the following fractions: organic solvent extractives (Fraction 1), acid-soluble carbohydrates (Fraction 3), and acid-insoluble residue (Fraction 4). In all samples, across sampling years and sites, Cs-137 content in Fractions 1, 3, and 4, as a proportion of the total Cs-137 content, was 0.0-23.6%, 18.4-42.9%, and 44.8-76.0%, respectively. Generally, Cs-137 is considered to be electrostatically bound to organic matter and relatively mobile, making it easily extractable by sulfuric acid treatment. However, we observed a relatively high proportion of Cs-137 in Fraction 4, suggesting strong retention of Cs-137 and their immobility in the O horizon. Complex organic matter such as lignin or tannin may contribute this retention. We also noted that some part of Cs-137 may be also retained by clay minerals in the O horizon. Although organic matter in Fractions 1 and 3 is considered to decompose faster than that in Fraction 4, over the observation period the Cs-137 proportion and net rate of decrease in Cs-137 content (in total and in each fraction) remained nearly constant. This result implies that decomposition of organic matter and the consequent release of bound Cs-137 may be partly compensated by additional input of Cs-137 from the canopy and Cs-137 recycling by soil microorganisms. Our study highlights the potential role of organic matter in the O horizon as a temporary reservoir of Cs-137 and a driver of the Cs-137 cycle in forest ecosystems.
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Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident,radiocesium (137Cs),forest soil,O horizon,soil organic matter
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