Questionnaire analysis to define the most suitable survey for port-noise investigation


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The high level of noise pollution affecting the areas between ports and logistic platforms represents a problem that can be faced from different points of view. Acoustic monitoring, mapping, short-term measurements, port and road traffic flows analyses can give useful indications on the strategies to be proposed for a better management of the problem. A survey campaign through the preparation of questionnaires to be submitted to the population exposed to noise in the back-port areas will help to better understand the subjective point of view. The paper analyses a sample of questions suitable for the specific research, chosen as part of the wide database of questionnaires internationally proposed for subjective investigations. The preliminary results of a first data collection campaign are considered to verify the adequacy of the number, the type of questions, and the type of sample noise used for the survey. The questionnaire will be optimized to be distributed in the TRIPLO project (TRansports and Innovative sustainable connections between Ports and LOgistic platforms). The results of this survey will be the starting point for the linguistic investigation carried out in combination with the acoustic monitoring, to improve understanding the connections between personal feeling and technical aspects.
suitable survey,port-noise
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