Proximity Ranking Based Fast Fuzzy Search


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In traditional keyword based search system over Xml data, user takes a query, submit it to the system and gets relevant answer. When user has limited knowledge about the data when issuing queries, and has to use a try and see approach for finding information. This paper focus on the fuzzy type-ahead search in XML data using proximity rank method. It is a new information access paradigm in which the system searches XML data on the fly as user type in query keyword. XML model capture more semantic information and navigates into document and display more relevant information. The keyword search is alternative method to search in XML data, which is easy to use, user doesn’t need to know about the XML data and query language. This paper focus on the techniques used to retrieve the top-k result from the XML document more efficiently. It is also needed good ranking functions that consider the proximity of keywords to compute relevance scores. This paper focus on study how to integrate proximity information into ranking in instant-fuzzy search while achieving efficient time and space complexities. Keywords— XML data, Top-k answering, Fuzzy search, Instant search, Proximity ranking
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