Nutritional problems of elderly population of Arar City KSA

Nagah Mohamed Aboel-Fetoh,Mohamed Mousa Abd El-Mawgod,SAIMA EJAZ,Abdelrahman Abukanna, Ahmed Hamad


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Introduction: Demographic data show an increased life expectancy of the world population. Malnutrition is common in elderly persons living in the community. In many cases, this problem arises from interacting physiologic, economic, and psychosocial causes. Aim of the study: The aim of this community based study is to estimate the prevalence of some nutritional problems among the elderly population of Arar city, KSA. Subjects and methods: This community based cross sectional study was conducted in Arar city, the capital of Northern Borders Governorate. Personal interviews with the 100 sampled elderly and filling the questionnaire, which guided us to the socio-demographic data, nutritional problems due to physiological changes, digestive and dental health problems which affect feeding, consumption of drugs for treatment of chronic diseases and daily consumption of water and other drinks. Results: characteristics of the sample showed that 42% of studied group were suffering from problems in food swallowing and salivation, impaired taste and smell was found in 20%. Appetite to food was normal in 38%, intermediate in 36%, weak in 20%. 22% feed themselves without difficulty or help from others. 58% needed help and 20% eat with difficulty, adding salt to food was found in 46% of the sample, 26% had regular times for eating, 26% mostly, 36%sometimes and 12.0% rarely eat in regular times. Ability to shopping was high in 24% but low in 68% of the sample. Feasibility of shopping was enough in 26% only, 38% of the sample sharing food with their families and 32% eat alone. Hyperacidity, distention, constipation and gases affect 72%, 66%, 54% and 68% of the studied population respectively. Dental caries was found in 72.0% and 22.0% had total loss of their teeth and were using dentures. 72% of the studied elderly populations consume daily drugs for treatment of chronic diseases. Who consume 1-3 cups of water and other drinks were 62.0% and 64.0% respectively and who consume 3-5 cups were 26.0% and 30.0%. [Nagah Mohamed Aboel-Fetoh, Mohamed Mousa Abd El-Mawgod, SAIMA EJAZ, Abdelrahman Abukanna, Ahmed Hamad. Nutritional problems of elderly population of Arar City KSA. J Am Sci 2015;11(1s):8-13]. (ISSN: 1545-1003). 2 Key wards: nutritional problems, elderly, physiologic, social, economic, and psychosocial causes.
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