
Para idade gestacional no diabetes mellitus gestacional related variables and birth of big newborn for gestational age in diabetes mellitus gestacional

Giórgio Conte Tondello, Ana Flávia Nunes de Souza,Leandro Rosin,Thiago Ribeiro e Silva,Raquel Fleig


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Introduction: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus presents a prevalence of three to twenty-five percent of gestations with variation according to the population. Objective: Identify the inconstants related to large newborns for gestational age in patients with gestational mellitus diabetes and their obstetric outcomes. Methods: Retrospective cohort study was carried out from January 2013 to April 2016 in a public maternity hospital. Two groups were divided: pregnant women who generated large children for gestational age and suitable children for gestational age. Clinical and laboratory maternal characteristics and predictors and perinatal outcomes were evaluated. The multinominal logistic regression model was used to calculate the odds ratio, with a confidence interval of 95%. Results: Clinical and laboratory predictors: gestational age of diagnosis, body mass index and weight gain, average fasting glycemia and post-prandial did not present differences. The glycated hemoglobin showed significance in the crude analysis (OR = 2.57, 95% CI 1.05-6.30), but not sustained in the adjusted (OR = 2.18, 95% CI, 0.80-5.90). The perinatal outcomes: apgar and admission to an intensive care unit showed no differences. Large newborns for gestational age were significant for the cesarean section, with gross values (OR = 1.73,IC 95% 1.21-2.4) and adjusted values (OR = 1.71, IC95% 1.20 -2.43). Conclusion: Factors that in isolation are related to the birth of large newborns for gestational age were not found. In perinatal outcomes, large newborns for gestational age present a greater chance of cesarean delivery.
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