Pixel MVVIR and LWIR QWIP Focal Plane Arrays and 320 x 256 MWIR : LWIR Pixel Colocated Simultaneous Dualband QWIP Focal Plane Arrays

S. D. Gunapala,S. V. Bandara,J. K. Liu,C. J. Hill,S. B. Rafol, J. M. Murnolo, J. T. Trinh, M., Tidrow, P. D. LeVan


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Md-wavelength infrared (MWLR) and long-wavelength in£rared (LWIR) 1024x1024 pixel quantum well infrared photodetector (QWIP) focal planes have been demonstrated with excellent imaging performance. The MWIR QWIP cletectoiarray has demc>mtrc?ted a noise equivalent differential teiiiperattu-e (mAT) of 17 illK at a 95K opei-ating teiiipewture with f/2.5 optics at 300IC hackgouiid and the LWLR detector an-ay has deinoilstrated a NEAT of 13 inK at a 70K operatemperature with the same optical and background conditions as the MWIR detector array after the subtraction of system noise. Both MWIR and LWIR focal planes have shown background limited performance (BLIP) at 90K and 70K operatemperatures respectively, with similar optical and background conditions. In addition, we are in the process of developing MWIR and LWIR pixel collocated simultaneously readable dualband QWIP focal plane arrays. In ths paper, n-e will discuss the performance m tei~ns of quantulii efficiency, NEAT, umformity, operabill@, and modulation transfer functions of the 1024x1024 pixel arrays and the progress of dualband QWIP focal plane array development work.
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