Stapedial Reflex Test in Healthy Neonates

Rafidah Mazlan, Joseph Kei, Louise Hickson, Janneke Nachtegaal,Jan H. Smit, Cas Smits, Pieter D. Bezemer, Johannes H. M. van Beek,Joost M. Festen, Sophia E. Kramer, Owen D. Murnane, Faith W. Akin, Susan G. Lynn, David G. Cyr,Jae-Ryong Kim,Carolyn J. Brown, Paul J. Abbas,Christine P. Etler, Sara O’Brien, Beth A. Prieve, Catherine A. Hancur-Bucci, Jonathan L. Preston, Margaret W. Skinner, Beth A. Holstad, Timothy Holden,Amy Birath


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This study aimed to evaluate the test-retest reliability of the acoustic stapedial reflex (ASR) test in healthy neonates. ASRs were elicited by presenting a 2 kHz pure tone and broadband noise (BBN) separately to the test ear in an ipsilateral stimulation mode. For both stimuli, the ASR test showed high test-retest reliability as demonstrated by intra-correlation coefficients across the test-retest conditions of 0.83 for the 2 kHz pure tone and 0.76 for the BBN stimulus. The high intra-correlation coefficients obtained in this study illustrate the reliability of the ASR test. Given the high test-retest reliability, the ASR test holds promise as a useful diagnostic/screening instrument in ascertaining the hearing status in neonates.
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