Enhancements for Homeschooling and ADL: Virtual Humans, Technologies and Insights

Dan M. Davis, Nancy L. H. Young,Mark C. Davis


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Homeschooling and DoD Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) have many goals in common, so increasing the collaborative research and collegial information exchange between their respective communities would be mutually advantageous. The emerging capabilities of virtual humans provide a useful prototype of how both homeschooling and ADL can benefit from emerging technological advances. This paper begins with an examination of the home schooling movement in the United States, including a review of its foundations, demographics, results and trends. In examining the goals of homeschooling parents, the four major reasons cited by at least half of those parents are considered and explicated: desire to find environment most compatible to users, provision of ethics foundations, inclusion of accountability instruction and dissatisfaction with other pedagogical approaches. Also meriting review are the hurdles faced by homeschool teachers and students, followed by an item-by-item comparison with analogous challenges for ADL provisioners and learners. A short analysis of the constraints on the two communities focuses on similarities and differences between family limitations and defense organization restrictions. The authors then present data on the current scope, instantiations, and achievements of the two efforts. Many of the technologies currently in use are reviewed and discussed, concentrating on computer-aided education and distributed learning. Emerging technologies based on artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and virtual humans are described and considered. Their uses in various contexts provide sufficient data to quantify the impact on subjects and the authors adduce findings from research to support their thesis that increased use of these technologies would be beneficial both to homeschooled students and to DoD Learners. The paper closes with an evaluation of the arc of current research, the recognition of prenascent capabilities (e.g. quantum computing), the burgeoning needs of both communities, and the need to nurture a synergistic exchange between homeschool advocates and ADL architects.
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