The functional model for planning process as a support to the development of an information subsystem


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Planning represents the phase of the management processes that consists of making decisions about objectives, programs, plans and strategies which direct the entire activity of a firm as well as the operations which are kept continual by constant inptut of all the changes that are essential for functioning and development of the firm. The analysis of the realization of the plans, i.e. checking of the previously planned and the present condition is the foundation for the application of the corrective measures intended for establishing the desired previuously planned condition. The result of these activities is a great amount of information and documents stored on various magnetic and optic media kept in different formats to maintain their storage. Therefore, it is necessary to define the model of planning process which enables clear, precise and accurate defining of the activietes whithin the process of planning applying the functional modelling by CASE tools, which requires ISO 9001 standatds. The aim of this paeper is the presentation of the modelling process and planning data from the aspect of projecting the future applicative model.
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