Gemini North Adaptive Optics (GNAO): an MCAO system for Gemini North towards Conceptual Design


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Gemini Observatory has been awarded from the National Science Foundation a major fund to build a new stateof-the-art Multi Conjugate Adaptive Optics facility for Gemini North on Maunakea called GNAO. The current Further author information: (Send correspondence to Gaetano Sivo) Gaetano Sivo: E-mail:, Telephone: 1+56 51 2205 642 baseline system will use two lasers each split in two to create an artificial constellation of four laser guide star to measure the distortions caused by the atmosphere. At least two deformable mirror conjugated to 0km and the main altitude layer above Maunakea will be used to correct these distortions. The facility will be designed to feed future instrumentation, initially a near infrared imager and potentially a visiting 4-arm multi object adaptive optics IFU spectrograph. In this paper I will present the main characteristics of this exciting facility, its promises and its challenges. I will also present its conceptual design and results of trade studies conducted within the team and the Gemini Adaptive Optics Working Group. The expected first light is for October 2024.
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