Author ' s response to reviews Title : Lenalidomide in heavily pretreated refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma


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Title:Lenalidomide in heavily pretreated refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma Thank you for the reviewers' comments on our manuscript, now titled " Lenalidomide in Heavily Pretreated Refractory Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma: A Case Report. " We are pleased that the reviewers would consider this manuscript for publication in Journal of Medical Case Reports after satisfactory revision. The manuscript has been revised to address all of the reviewers' comments, and a point-by-point response to these suggestions is attached. My coauthors and I believe that these changes have improved the manuscript, and the thoughtful reviews are appreciated. Please direct all correspondence to my attention or contact me by telephone at +48 602 338290 or by e-mail at with any questions. I look forward to hearing from you. Response to Comment #1: Per your request, " a case report " was added to the end of the previous title and now reads " Lenalidomide in Heavily Pretreated Refractory Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma: A Case Report. " Editorial Comment #2: Please include the ethnicity of the patient in the abstract and case presentation sections. Response to Comment #2: We agree that the ethnicity of the patient is important and have included this information in the abstract (page 2, under " Case Presentation ") and Case Presentation (page 5, first paragraph) sections of the manuscript. Editorial Comment #3: Please include the patient's gender (male/female). Response to Comment #3: We agree that the patient's gender is an important piece of information and have added this information to the abstract (page 2, under " Case Presentation ") and Case Presentation (page 5, first paragraph) sections of the manuscript. Editorial Comment #4: Please change the " Background " section header to " Introduction ". Response to Comment #4: As requested, the " Background " section header was changed to " Introduction " and can be found on page 3 of the manuscript. Editorial Comment #5: Please do not include sub-headings in the " Case Presentation " section. Response to Comment #5: All sub-headings were removed from the " Case Presentation " section of the manuscript. Editorial Comment #6: Please remove dates of confinement in the " Case Presentation " section. Response to Comment #6: As requested and to help maintain the anonymity of the patient, the specific years he received treatment were removed from the text (pages 5-9), appropriate figures (Figure 2 and Figure 4) and figure legends …
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