Measurement of the inclusive production of neutral pions and charged particles on the Z 0 resonance

X. Lue, M. MacDermot, R. Magahiz, Pradeep Kumar Malhotra, Alexander Malinin, Donglin Mao, P. Marchesini, G. G. G. Massaro, Tetsuji Matsuda,Kajari Mazumdar, Patrizia McBride, D. McNally, Lucia Merola, Michela Meschini, Geoffrey B. Mills, Joanna Mnich, B. Monteleoni, Grégoire Morand, N. E. Moulai, Christoph Neyer,Hannelies Nowak, Giovanni Passaleva, Giuseppe Paternoster, Sergio Patricelli,Aihud Pevsner, Matthew Pieri, P. A. Pirou,Vassili Plyaskin, Maarja Pohl,Nicolas Produit, N. Produi,Jack M. Qian, Kashif Naseer Qureshi, R. Raghavan,Ghita Rahal-Callot, Panagis Razis, Kiseleva Af, Dongsheng Ren, Z. Ren, Steve Reucroft, Austin Ricker, H. A. Rizvi, B. P. Roe, L. Romero, Manuel Rubio, G. Lawrence Sanders, G. Sartorelli,Andreas Savin, K. Schmiemann, Pierre Schmitz,DJ. Schotanus, S. Shotkin, Crisostomo Sciacca, Jorg Wenninger,Carlos Willmott, Xiao Juan Yan


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