Hatching Weight and Development of Metabolically Active Organs of Broiler Chicks Obtained from Carbohydrate Injected- Eggs

Canan Kop Bozbay, Berkan Yılmaz, Hilal Karabacak, Mirkahan Düğme,Helin Atan,Ahmet Akdağ


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Two hundred fifty fertile eggs from Ross 308 breeder (33-week-old) were allocated randomly to five groups with five replicates. Except the negative control group eggs (non injected; NC), 1 ml isotonic solution was injected into the positive control (PC) group eggs while the other groups were injected with 0.25 mg glucose (G), sucrose (S) and starch (CS) dissolved in 100 ml isotonic solution, respectively. The G had higher hatching weight (P<0.05) and relative yolk weight (P<0.05) compared to other treatments at hatch. The relative liver weight was higher in S and CS chicks than in G and NC chicks (P<0.05). The relative proventriculus weight of S and CS chicks were higher than G and PC chicks, while gizzard weight was higher than G chicks (P<0.05). In ovo CS nutrition increased the relative weights of duodenum and jejenum according to NC and G treatments, respectively (P<0.05). Injection of S increased total digestive system (P<0.05). Although the impacts of in ovo different carbohydrates nutrition on whole digestive system or different parts of GIT were not at the same direction and stability our results shows that the in ovo carbohydrate nutrition lead to more developed digestive system and heavier chicks.
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