BNL-94173-2011-CP AGS tune jump system to cross horizontal depolarization resonance overview

J. W. Glenn,L. Ahrens,Z. Altinbas, W. Fu, J. L. Mi, P. J. Rosas,V. Schoefer, C. Theisen


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Two partial snakes overcome the vertical depolarizing resonances in the AGS. But a new type of depolarizing intrinsic resonance from horizontal motion appeared. We reduce these using horizontal tune jumps timed to these resonances. We gain a factor of six in crossing rate with a tune jump of 0.05 in 100 μs. Two quadrapoles, we described in 2009 [7], pulse 42 times, the current matching beam energy. The power supplies for these quads are described in detail elsewhere in this conference [4]. The controls for the Jump Quad system is based on a BNL designed Quad Function Generator. Two modules are used; one for timing, and one to supply reference voltages. Synchronization is provided by a proprietary serial bus, the Event Link. The AgsTuneJump application predicts the times of the resonances during the AGS cycle and calculates the power supply trigger times from externally collected tune and energy versus time data and the Low and High PS voltage functions from a voltage to current model of the power supply. The system was commissioned during runs 09 & 10 and is operational. Many beam effects are described elsewhere [3].
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