Preliminary results of the ifmif cavity prototypes tests in vertical cryostat and cryomodule development

F. Orsini,N. Bazin,P. Bosland, P. Brédy,P. Carbonnier, P. Charon, G. Disset, N. Grouas, P. Hardy, V. Hennion, E. Jacques, H. Jenhani, J. Migne, Y. Penichot, J. Plouin, J. Relland, B. Renard,D. Roudier, France, F. de Aragon,J. Calero, J. de la Gama,J. L. Gutierrez,I. Podadera,S. Sanz,F. Toral, E. Zaplatin


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In the framework of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF), which consists of two high power CW accelerator drivers, each delivering a 125 mA deuteron beam at 40 MeV [1], a Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc) is presently under design for the first phase of the project. A superconducting option has been chosen for the 5 MeV RF Linac, based on a cryomodule composed of 8 low-beta Half Wave Resonators, 8 Solenoid Packages and 8 RF couplers. This paper will mainly focus on recent tests in laboratory of the main components of this cryomodule: HWR, RF coupler mock up, and solenoid prototypes. A section is dedicated to the HWR activities: realization and preliminary vertical tests of the two HWR prototypes. One prototype was equipped with the innovating cold tuning system, located in the central region of the cavity. Another section gives results on RF coupler’mock-up and solenoids prototypes. Finally, the LIPAc cryomodule current design is also presented.
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