1 2 0 Fe b 20 06 Final Report of the Muon E 821 Anomalous Magnetic Moment Measurement at BNL

G. W. Bennett,Bruno Bousquet,H. N. Brown, G. Bunce,R. M. Carey,Priscilla B. Cushman,G. T. Danby,P. T. Debevec,Mario Deile,Hanyuan Deng, W. Deninger,S. K. Dhawan,V. P. Druzhinin,L. Duong, E. Efstathiadis,Francis J. M. Farley,G. V. Fedotovich, S. Giron, F. Gray,Dimitri Grigoriev, M. Grosse-Perdekamp, A. Grossmann, M. F. Hare,D. W. Hertzog,Xiaomeng Huang,V. W. Hughes,Masahiko Iwasaki,Klaus Jungmann,D. Kawall, M. Kawamura,B. I. Khazin, J. Kindem, F. Krienen, I. Kronkvist,A. Lam, Richard J. Larsen,Yonghyun Lee,I. Logashenko,Robert McNabb,Wuzheng Meng, J.-L. Mi,J. P. Miller, Yuichiro Mizumachi, W. M. Morse,Dimitrios Nikas, C. J. G. Onderwater, Y. Orlov, C. S. Özben,J. M. Paley, Qinjun Peng, C. Polly,J. Pretz, Ralf Prigl,G. zu Putlitz, Tian Qian,S. I. Redin,O. Rind,B. L. Roberts,N. Ryskulov, S. Sedykh,Yannis K. Semertzidis, P. Shagin,Yu. M. Shatunov,Ernst P. Sichtermann,E. Solodov, M. Sossong, A. Steinmetz,L. R. Sulak, C. Timmermans,Alexei Trofimov, D. Urner, Patric Walter, D. Warburton, D. Winn,Akira Yamamoto, Deborah Zimmerman


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We present the final report from a series of precision measurements of the muon anomalous magnetic moment, aμ = (g − 2)/2. The details of the experimental method, apparatus, data taking, and analysis are summarized. Data obtained at Brookhaven National Laboratory, using nearly equal samples of positive and negative muons, were used to deduce aμ(Expt) = 11 659 208.0(5.4)(3.3) × 10−10, where the statistical and systematic uncertainties are given, respectively. The combined uncertainty of 0.54 ppm represents a 14-fold improvement compared to previous measurements at CERN. The standard model value for aμ includes contributions from virtual QED, weak, and hadronic processes. While the QED processes account for most of the anomaly, the largest theoretical uncertainty, ≈ 0.55 ppm, is associated with first-order hadronic vacuum polarization. Present standard model evaluations, based on e+e− hadronic cross sections, lie 2.2 2.7 standard deviations below the experimental result.
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