Deposited in DRO : 24 April 2015 Version of attached le : Other Peer-review status of attached


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We present thesimagesoftware suite for the simulation of artificial extragalact ic images, based empirically around real observations of the Hubble Ultra Deep Fie ld (UDF). The simulations reproduce galaxies with realistic and complex morphologies via the modeling of UDF galaxies ashapelets . Images can be created in theB, V, i andz bands for both spaceand ground-based telescopes and instr uments. The simulated images can be produced for any required field size, exp osure time, Point Spread Function (PSF), telescope mirror size, pixel resolution, field star density , and a variety of detector noise sources. It has the capability to create images with both a pre-determined n umber of galaxies or one calibrated to the number counts of pre-existing data sets such as the HST COSMO S survey. In addition, simple options are included to add a known weak gravitational lensing (both shear and flexion) to the simulated images. The software is available in Interactive Data Language (IDL ) and can be freely downloaded for scientific, developmental and teaching purposes. Subject headings: Simulations – Cosmology: weak lensing – Galaxies: Surveys
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