Acceleration system of beam brightness booster


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The brightness and intensity of a circulating proton beam can now be increased up to the space charge limit by means of charge exchange injection or by electron cooling, but cannot be increased above this limit. Significantly higher brightness can be produced through charge exchange injection with space charge compensation [1]. The brightness of the space charge compensated beam is limited at low level by the development of electron-proton (e-p) instability. Fortunately, e-p instability can be self-stabilized at a high beam density. By development of surface plasma sources (SPS) with cesiation and RFQ, an Hbeam injector was prepared with intensity ~0.1 A. Now we are ready to produce a “superintense” circulating beam with intensity and brightness far above the space charge limit. A beam brightness booster (BBB) for significant increase of accumulated beam brightness is discussed. An accelerating system with a space charge compensation is proposed and described. The superintense beam production can be simplified through the development of a nonlinear, nearly integrable focusing system with broad spread of betatron tune and a broadband feedback system for e-p instability suppression [2].
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