Paper evaluation of a system of selective antiparasitic treatments in Pelibuey sheep during mating and pregnancy


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In order to evaluate a parasite control strategy based on selective antiparasitic treatments in a flock of Pelibuey sheep during the mating campaign and pregnancy, a parasite control strategy was used in 45 ewes based on selective treatments according to the color of the eye mucosa (CeM), body condition (BC) and fecal egg count (FeC). The revision of the animals was carried out between April and October, 2017, and the decision was made to treat them or not depending on the above-mentioned indicators. Low parasite rates in the animals and good productive performance of the ewes, with weights at birth of the lambs of 3,15 and 2,46 kg (p < 0,05) for single and double parturitions, respectively, were observed, throughout the experimental period. The FEC was the best indicator in the identification of infested animals. It is concluded that the selective antiparasitic treatment of the animals, instead of the entire flock, allowed to reduce significantly the parasite rate especially during the period close to parturition, as well as propitiated a decrease of the use of anthelmintic products.
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