Effect of Yoga nidra on hematological variables in women of reproductive age group suffering from menstrual disturbances


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Since yoga is currently enjoying widespread popularity in both Indian and western cultures, and has gained acceptance amongst the wider group of ‘mind body’ interventions in alternative medicine, 1 yogic techniques are increasingly being sought out by those with medical and psychological problems. Objective: To study the effect of Yoga Nidra on hematological parameters (Hb%, TLC, DLC and ESR) in the patients of menstrual disturbances. Design: In this study fifty (50) subjects having menstrual irregularities were selected from the department of obstetrics and gynecology. Subjects were divided randomly in to two groups in yoga group and non-yoga group, twenty five (25) in each group. Out of these (50 subjects), forty one (41) completed the study protocol. Intervention: The yogic intervention consisted of yoga nidra practice for 3540 minutes/day, five days in a week for six months in the department of physiology CSMMU UP Lucknow. Outcome: Determination of Hb%, TLC, DLC, and ESR were done in all the subjects at zero time and after six months of yogic intervention in yoga group and without yogic intervention in non yoga group. Results: The base line characteristics (mean±sd) of the control group was, age = 29.24±7.94 years, Body Mass Index (BMI) = 22.23±4.65 kg/m 2 . Yoga group, age = 29.08±8.22 years, Body Mass Index (BMI) = 24.17± 5.41 kg/m 2 . In present study, Hb% (p<0.001), TLC (p<0.03), were increased significantly after six months of yoga therapy in yoga group when compared with non yoga group. Conclusion: These observations may help in managing the problems of reproductive age group women. International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences (ISSN: 2278 – 5159) Volume: 1, Issue: 1 59 Abbreviations: Hb %, Haemoglobin percentage; TLC, Total Leukocyte Count; DLC, Differential Leukocyte Count; ESR, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate. Inroduction Yoga nidra is a practice which can be widely applied in the modern world to improve the quality of human life. It is a systematic method of inducing complete mental, emotional and physical relaxation. The physical body is composed of a number of interrelated systems. These include the involuntary functions of the body such as the digestive, respiratory, reproductive and endocrine systems. These are directly under the control of the subconscious mind acting through the brain. When the mind is calm and harmonious the physical organs will also function efficiently. Yoga Nidra gradually releases emotional tensions that are embedded in the mind. Yoga Nidra gives maximum relaxation to the mind and body in the minimum time. Most of the beneficial effects of Yoga Nidra cannot be measured with scientific instruments. It can be used to calm patients and aid in recovery from various types of diseases by encouraging activation of the self-curative functions of the body. The human body is a self-regulating mechanism that is constantly adjusting itself in tune with its own needs and capacities. The menstrual cycle is a sequence of events that occurs once in a month in a sexually mature female. Menstrual disorders have become widespread over the last few generations so that menstrual difficulties causes as much wretchedness as the common cold and medical insight into this problem is equally limited. The menstrual disorders are known to have cause effect relationship with hormonal and pathophysiological status of body and sum of the effects can be studied by simple hematological parameters like Hb%, TLC, DLC and ESR. Yoga Nidra is an ideal way for relieving the tension that disturbs female’s physical and emotional harmony and thereby may correct the menstrual abnormalities and improve her physiological state. Objective: To see the effect of yoga nidra on Hb%, TLC, DLC, and ESR in patients of menstrual distrubances. Methodology: Study population: Subjects having menstrual irregularities, who fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were willing for compliance were invited to participate in the yogic interventional prospective study, from the Department of Gynecology, C.S.M. Medical University Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow, India. Yoga Nidra was led by well educated and trained Yoga instructors selected by a selection committee. Yoga nidra was also approved by a screening committee of department of AYUSH New Delhi before the study. Fifty (50) subjects (patients with menstrual irregularities) were randomly selected for the study. International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences (ISSN: 2278 – 5159) Volume: 1, Issue: 1 60 Subjects were randomly divided in yoga (n = 25) and non yoga (n = 25) group. All the patients were referred by a senior gynecologist after examining their physical health and medication status. After six months 41 subjects completed study protocol, yoga (n=20) and non yoga (n=21). Before study all the subjects were asked to maintain their routine activities and not initiate any new physical activities for this duration. Patients registered from March to April 2009 were 50; this study was approved by the institutional Research ethics-Committee. After signed informed consent by the subjects, anthropometric measurements were taken. Height was measured with the participants standing without shoes and was recorded to the nearest of 0.5 cm. Weight was measured using a digital scale, with the participants wearing light cloths, and was recorded to the nearest 100 grams. Sample Collection/Procedure Five milliliters of peripheral fasting blood was collected from all the subjects before yogic intervention and after six months of yogic intervention in yoga group and with out intervention in non yoga group. For estimation of Hb%, TLC, DLC and ESR 2 ml blood was collected in K3 EDTA (1.8 mg/ml) vials. Serum was separated by centrifuge machine (3500-4000 rotations/minute) at room temperature. Hb%, TLC, DLC and ESR were measured after overnight fasting (12 hours after meal). Haemoglobin percentage was determined by haemoglobinometer. Cell counter was used for the measurement of TLC & DLC, and ESR was determined by the wintrobe method in the department of Pathology of the university. Yogic Intervention Under the guidance and supervision of Yoga experts and faculty, subjects performed Yoga Nidra practice. Total duration of this practice was 35 – 40 minutes/day, five days in week till six months in the department of physiology C.S.M. Medical University Uttar Pradesh, (erstwhile KGMU) Lucknow, India. Statistical Analysis Statistical analysis was conducted using InStat3 software version 3.05, 32, Year 2000. Data are expressed as numbers and percentages for discrete variables and as mean ± SE for continuous variables. Baseline differences between cases and controls were examined by a Student t test for continuous data. Results International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences (ISSN: 2278 – 5159) Volume: 1, Issue: 1 61 Table 1: Frequency distribution of Demographic profile of 50 patients with and without Yoga Nidra practices. The p value <0.05 considered as significant. Total Patients Yoga Group Control Group p Value Demographic Profile N = 50 N = 25 N = 25 Age 29.16±7.99 Yrs. 29.08±8.22 Yrs. 29.24±7.94 Yrs. 0.94 Height 153.12±8.3 cm 154.88±4.03 cm 151.36±5.51 cm. 0.01 Weight 54.55±13.00 Kg. 58.09±13.72 Kg. 51.01±11.44 Kg. 0.05 BMI 23.19±5.09 Kg/m 2 24.17± 5.41 Kg/m 2 22.23±4.65 Kg/m 2 0.18 WC 79.18±13.67 cm. 80.56±12.69 cm. 77.8±14.71 cm. 0.48 HC 95.1±12.02 cm. 98.00±12.25 cm. 92.2±11.29 cm. 0.08 WHR 0.83±0.07 0.82±0.05 0.84±0.07 0.31 * There was no significant difference between Yoga Group and Control Group at the baseline data. Base line values Non Yoga Group N=25 Yoga Group N=25 p Value Clinical Variables Base line Values Base line Values SBP 125±10.10 mmHg 124.8±11.23 mmHg 0.95 DBP 79.4±6.01 mmHg 78±8.42 mmHg 0.52 Hb% 11.78±0.87 gm% 11.80±0.80 gm% 0.93 TLC 7212±1547.4 /mm 3 . 7440±1134.3 /mm 3 0.55 Neutrophils 67.4±4.86 % 68.0±6.21 % 0.71 Lymphocytes 31.0±4.79 % 29.8±6.33 % 0.45 Eosinophils 1.4±1.15 % 1.52±0.87 % 0.68 International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences (ISSN: 2278 – 5159) Volume: 1, Issue: 1 62 Monocytes 0.6±0.70 % 0.64±0.64 % 0.83 ESR 18.56±6.79 Mms 21.96±8.04 Mms 0.11 Table 2: Tables of different groups before and after yoga nidra with their p values.
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