7 8 1985 tritium pellet injector design for tokamak fusion test reactor p


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A tritium pellet injector (TPI) system has beea designed for the Tokamak Fusion Teat Reactor (TFTR) Q ~ 1 phase of operation. The injector gua utilizes a radial design with eight Independent barrels and a common extruder to minimize tritium inventory. The injection line contains guide tubes with Intermediate vacuum pumping stations aad fast valves to minimize propellant leakage to the torus. The vacuum system is designed for tritium compatibility. The entire injector system Is contained in a glove box for secondary containment protection against tritium release. Failure modes and effects have been analyzed, aad structural analysis has beea performed for most Intense predicted earthquake conditions. Details of the design and operation of this system are presented in this paper.
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