Thought Question: Can the teacher-child relationship and classroom climate influence the level of cortisol produced by a child in stressful classroom situations?


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This study examines the impact of classroom climate on “cortisol expression” of kindergarten and third grade students. The research suggests that relational variables offer a “moderate influence” on children’s response to stress. In other words, when greater teacher motivational support was present, children demonstrated less cortisol response to stress than students who did not have a high level of relational support. “Findings suggest children’s cortisol expression depends on the extent to which specific temperamental characteristics “fit” within the relational and contextual qualities of the classroom environment.” These factors become important considerations when supporting students in developing positive responses to stress. The classroom climate was assessed using the Assessment of Learner-Centered Practices in three areas to include “creates positive relationships, provides motivational support for learning, and facilitates thinking and learning”.
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