Bryony Dean Franklin Director of the Centre for Medicines Safety and Service Quality


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We have extensively modified the abstract of the manuscript so t hat it follows the CONSORT guidelines for reporting randomised controlled trials in journal abstracts. R1 (minor essential revision).Abstract, results, 2nd sentenc e: P value missing for result (RR and CI provided). R2. All results should include number percentage (or both) RR 95% CI and p value. As suggested by the Reviewers, we have modified the results s ction of the abstract, including all frequency, percentages, RR, 95% CI, and p-values for categorical var i bles, and mean, SD and pvalues for continuous variables. R2. The methods section of the abstract does not include details of d esign. Details about the design of the study have been included in the abstract. R1 (minor essential revision). Abstract – Conclusion: The r esults showed a trend to reduce all-cause and cause-specific hospitalizations (since not st atistically significant). Please revise Conclusion, 1st sentence to reflect so. Following the Reviewer’s comment, we have modified the abstrac t con lusion to reflect a trend more than the evidence based on our results regarding hospital admissions. R1 (discretionary revision).Abstract – Conclusion: What are the Implications of increasing telephone contacts and decreasing home nursing visits, how does i t affect the care provided? The implications of increasing telephone contacts and decreasing home nu rsing visits have been discussed in the discussion section rather than in the abstract due to word li mit constrains.
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