Chapter 4 . Nanostructures Technology , Research , and Applications

Jay, N., Damask, James, Goodberlet, Mark, L., Schattenburg, M., Carter, Robert, C., Fleming, K., Mondol, Doo Jin Cho, Patrick, Everett, Jawoong Lee,Joost van Beek, David, B., Berman, Alex Bernshteyn, J., Vanessa Chan, Djohmehri,Rana Farhan,Juan Ferrera, S., Foresi, Andrea, E., Franke, Keith, Jackson,Jalal Kahn, Michael, H., Lim, Mark R. Schweizer,James M. Daley, Cynthia, Lewis, Edward R. Murphy, Murphy,David Pflug,Minghao Qi, Timothy A. Savas,K. Mondol, Henry, Smith


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The NanoStructures Laboratory (NSL) at MIT develops techniques for fabricating surface structures with feature sizes in the range from nanometers to micrometers and uses these structures in a variety of research projects. The NSL includes facilities for lithography (photo, interferometric, electron beam, and x-ray), etching (chemical, plasma and reactiveion), liftoff, electroplating, sputter deposition, and ebeam evaporation. Much of the equipment and nearly all the methods utilized at the NSL are developed in-house. This is because commercial processing equipment, designed for the semiconductor industry, generally cannot achieve the resolution needed for nanofabrication, is inordinately expensive, and lacks the required flexibility.
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