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Studi.e:s on the color retention and half-life of the e~zyme 18:xtracted carotenoproteins from plant tissues


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Carotcnoprotein~, enzymatically extracted from the orange peel, sweet potato and carrot, were stored at 25°(' ligtıt1 25°C dark, 4°C and 40°C for the color retention and the half-life studies. Rate coıııstants were also cakulated from the percentage retention of color vs. time plots by the best mathematical fits .. The percentage color retentions of the samples wt>ıre very good resulting in their promising use in foods. Storage at 4°C resulted in the higher retentions of ,:arotenoid color for ali three samples as expeded. The highcst percentage rctention of carotenoid rnior was in sweet potato followed ll>y orange pel"l and carrot stored at 4°C with the rate constanıts of 0.4164, 0,0100 and 0,0166 respectively. The lıalf-lifes of the sam pi es were 97 days in sweet potato, 78 days in orange peel and 50 days in carrot samp!es stored at 4°C.
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