Can Shimla Become A Smart City: A Comparative Study With The Swedish Smart City Project

Rahul Prashar, Rahul Gupta


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A developed urban area that creates sustainable economic development and high quality of life by excelling in multiple key areas; economy, mobility, environment, people, living and government .Excelling in these key areas can be done so through strong human capital, social capital and ICT infrastructure. The smart cities is a collaboration of technology into strategic approach of sustainability. The programme will provide the city where information technology is the principal infrastructure and the basis for providing the essential services to the residents. This article is focused on the comparison of success stories of the Swedish government in stepping forwards as the pioneers of giving smart city solutions to the world and comparing with an entirely different setting.The major focus of the article is on the solid waste management of Sweden and its comparison with the settings of a developing country such as India. In India, our prime focus is on finding out solutions for making Shimla as a smart city because waste generation is an inevitable consequence of industrialization and urbanization. Shimla has ample amount of land which can be utilized for managing solid waste. MC Shimla is currently dumping the waste in the outskirts of the city in the sanitary landfills. The state government along with the National Green Tribunal are formulating a plan for the appropriate reuse and recycle of the municipal waste. The plan of the Swedish waste management can be adopted provided that there is a desirable community participation, intersectoral collaboration and the availability of sufficient funds for provision of appropriate technology. The will of the political leaders is the urgent need of the hour so that the city progresses in one direction, a direction of success.
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