Delinquency and Crime in the City of Lubumbashi : Clinical and Psychosocial Perspective


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Abstarct: In this research, we talk about delinquency and crime, which is the set of offenses that are committed in a given time and place, in the city of Lubumbashi. Nowadays, the rate growth of street children and unemployed people has caused more cases of theft, rape, massacres and other criminal acts. This observation has attracted our attention to discover what are the factors behind this phenomenon. To achieve this, we used the clinical method, psychosocial survey method and descriptive method associated with techniques such as clinical interview, observation, questionnaire and graphic technique in order to obtain the necessary information to our research. As a result, we met 45 young children between the ages of 9 and 20, and we interviewed three children who participated in our individual and group interviews. These young delinquents gave us their stories of life and allowed us to obtain the results of their behavior through the graph that we presented in this work. The clinical and psychosocial analysis of factors underlying juvenile delinquency in the city of Lubumbashi is the foundation of our research; because this social phenomenon is at the root of many cases of crime and all forms of violence in our cities, neighborhoods and in all our communes we speak about it; in Kassapa Prison there are several delinquent criminals who have been apprehended by the police after stealing, raping and sometimes killing.
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