
Ladybird beetle invasions : traits of invasive species


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only Is Harmonia axyridis a marginal host for the parasitoid wasp Dinocampus coccinellae? Morphological and molecular genetic analyses Joseph M. Burling, Remy L. Ware & Lori Lawson Handley .......................................23-25 Abstract: It has previously been suggested that Harmonia axyridis is a marginal host for the parasitoid wasp, Dinocampus coccinellae. To investigate this further, we performed morphological and molecular genetic analyses of wasps from Japanese and UK populations of Coccinella septempunctata and H. axyridis. Wasps that emerged from H. axyridis were smaller than those from C. septempunctata, and there was no genetic evidence of host specialisation. Our data therefore supports the hypothesis that H. axyridis is a marginal host, which has implications for natural and biological control of this invasive species. Modeling Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) interactions within the aphidophagous guild Richard F. Comont, Richard Harrington, Owen T. Lewis, Beth V. Purse & Helen E. Roy .............................................................................................................27-28 Abstract only Ladybird beetle invasions: traits of invasive species A. F. G. Dixon & J.-L. Hemptinne ...................................................................................29 Abstract only Dynamics and impact of Coccinella septempunctata as another invasive ladybird beetle in North America Edward W. Evans ......................................................................................................31-37 Abstract: Harmonia axyridis is the second species of Coccinellidae recently to cause much alarm in North America as an invasive non-native species. The first was Coccinella septempunctata, which spread (both naturally and with human assistance) from the early 1970s through the early 1990s to attain high densities throughout North America. This establishment and rapid range expansion is striking; numerous attempts previously to introduce C. septempunctata to North America as a generalist biocontrol agent (classical biological control) seemingly had failed. I present a brief account here of C. septempunctata in North America, with focus on possible nontarget effects beyond pest (aphid) suppression. I consider in particular ideas and evidence associated with four major mechanisms hypothesized to result in adverse effects on native coccinellids: exploitative competition among larvae, intraguild predation, habitat compression/ shift, and interspecific hybridization. These mechanisms need to be evaluated further. The challenge has intensified with the establishment now of H. axyridis, which may join with C. septempunctata in having far reaching effects in North America. Consequences of hybridization between invasive and biocontrol individuals of the harlequin ladybird Harmonia axyridis in France Benoît Facon, Laurent Crespin, Anne Loiseau, Eric Lombaert, Alexandra Magro & Arnaud Estoup............................................................................39-42 Abstract only Monitoring Harmonia axyridis intraguild predation on native coccinellids in the field Louis Hautier, Jean-Claude Grégoire, Pierre Callier, Gilles San Martin, Jean-Pierre Jansen & Jean-Christophe de Biseau ....................................................43-44 Abstract only Predation behaviour of Harmonia axyridis on Adalia bipunctata................................................ Louis Hautier, Etienne Branquart, Jean-Pierre Jansen & Jean-Claude Grégoire ......45-46 Abstract only Harmonia axyridis as an economic pest of wine grapes in the U.S.: Progress in developing an IPM program and potential impact in Europe William D. Hutchison, Tederson L. Galvan, Eric C. Burkness & Robert L. Koch........47-52
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