Duration of Mesozoic Orogenies (on the Example of Georgia)


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On the basis of litho-facies analysis of Mesozoic deposits that accumulated during the development of orogenies (phases of folding), the processes of sedimentation accompanying these phases of folding as well as some paleogeographic and structural changes have been considered. Each phase of folding was accompanied mainly by synorogenic regressive formations. They were a direct consequence and criterion of manifestation of the tectonic movements. The most important among the manifested orogenies in the considered territory in the Mesozoic was the Chegem orogeny. It formed the main morphostructural units and mostly predetermined the character and appearance of present-day structure of the region. With due regard to the age of regressive deposits and geochronological data the first attempt to determine the duration of each orogeny was made. As to the Cenozoic orogenies, they will be discussed in a separate article of the same journal. © 2012 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci.
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