A Particle Swarm Optimization for Reactive Power Optimization


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2 I. INTRODUCTION Power system economics procedure includes of two aspects: active power regulation and reactive power dispatch. This forms a global optimization problem of a large-scale industrial system.The reactive power problem is less manageable to solve than the active power problem due to its more complicated relationship between variables. The reactive power problem is largelyassociated to voltage stability.Reactive power and voltage control is incredibly essential for the right operation and control of power system. Reactive power dispatch is one of the necessary tasks in the operation and control of power system.Voltage stability is a drawback in power systems that are heavily loaded, faulted or have a deficiency of reactive power. The character of voltage stability may be analysed by examining the generation, transmission and consumption of reactive power. Transfer of reactive Power is toughbecause of extremely high reactive power losses; that " s why the reactive power needed for voltage control is generated and consumed at the control area.Optimization is a mathematical procedurewhich discusses the finding of maxima or minima of functions in some realistic region. There " s no industry or businessthat is not involved in solving optimization problems.By Optimizing reactive power Dispatch in Power systems, the maximum active power transfer capability to the distribution systems can be improved. Stand-by reactive power sources (capacitor banks generally) are needed for loss minimization, in order to maintain the voltage stability in the Power systems [11-12].
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