Energy dependence of and production in centralPb + Pb collisions at 20 A , 30 A , 40 A , 80 A , and 158 A G eV m easured at the C ER N Super Proton Synchrotron


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C.Alt, T.Anticic, B.Baatar, D.Barna, J.Bartke, L.Betev, H.Bia lkowska, C.Blum e, B.Boim ska, M .Botje, J.Bracinik, R.Bram m , P.Bun ci c, V.Cerny, P.Christakoglou, P.Chung, O .Chvala, J.G .Cram er, P.Csat o, P.Dinkelaker, V.Eckardt, D.Flierl, Z.Fodor, P.Foka, V.Friese, J.G al, M .G a zdzicki, V.G enchev, E.G ladysz, K .G rebieszkow, S.Hegyi, C.H ohne, K .K adija, A.K arev, D.K ikola, M .K liem ant, S.K niege, V.I.K olesnikov, E.K ornas, M .K owalski, I.K raus, M .K reps, A.Laszlo, R.Lacey, M .van Leeuwen, P.L evai, L.Litov, B.Lungwitz, M .M akariev, A.I.M alakhov, M .M ateev, G .L.M elkum ov, C.M eurer, A.M ischke, M .M itrovski, J.M oln ar, St.M r owczy nski, V.Nicolic, G .P alla, A.D.Panagiotou, D.Panayotov, A.Petridis, W .Peryt, M .Pikna, J.Pluta, D.Prindle, F.P uhlhofer, R.Renfordt, A.Richard, C.Roland, G .Roland, M .Rybczy nski, A.Rybicki, A.Sandoval, N.Schm itz, T.Schuster, P.Seyboth, F.Sikl er, B.Sitar, E.Skrzypczak, M .Slodkowski, G .Stefanek, R.Stock, C.Strabel, H.Str obele, T.Susa, I.Szentp etery, J.Sziklai, M .Szuba, P.Szym anski, V.Trubnikov, M .Utvi c, D.Varga, M .Vassiliou, G .I.Veres, G .Vesztergom bi, D.Vrani c, A.W etzler, Z.W lodarczyk, A.W ojtaszek, I.K .Yoo, and J.Zim anyi
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