HCMUS at the NTCIR-14 Lifelog-3 Task

Proceedings of the 14th NTCIR Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies(2019)

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Lifelogging has been gaining more and more attention in the research community in recent years. Not only can it provide valuable insight and a deeper understanding of human daily activities, but it can also be used to improve personal health and wellness. However, there are many challenging problems in this field. One of the most important tasks of processing lifelog data is to access its semantic, which aims to retrieve the moments of interest from the lifelog. There are many approaches to this problem, two of which are using data processing and providing friendly user interaction. Our proposed system takes both of these approaches. We first extract concepts from the images, build a structure to quickly query images based on these concepts. We then provide users with a friendly user interface to perform the task.
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