Web-based Supplementary Materials for Parameter Redundancy in Mark-Recovery Models


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Web Appendix A: Extended Models In the main paper we considered models with a separate survival probability for animals in their first year of life. We may wish to consider the survival probability separately for longer than a year, for example if an animal is juvenile for longer than a year. To include such cases we extend the models examined to consider survival separately for the first J years of their life. The animal would then be considered an adult for years J +1 onwards. A similar x/y/z notation is used. Here x represents the first J years of life with the following options: (i) Dependent on age for years 1 to J (A1:J). (Note that A1:1 is equivalent to C.) (ii) Dependent on age and time for years 1 to J (A1:J ,T). (Note that A1:1,T is equivalent to T.) The options for y, the adult survival probability, are: (i) Constant (C). (ii) Dependent on time (T). (iii) Dependent on age (A). (iv) Dependent on age and time (A,T). The options for z, the recovery probability, are: (i) Constant (C). (ii) Dependent on time (T). (iii) Dependent on age (A). (iv) Dependent on age for years 1 to J with separate adult recovery (A1:J+1). (v) Dependent on time and age for years 1 to J with separate adult recovery (A1:J+1,T). (vi) Dependent on age and time (A,T). ∗Corresponding author: e-mail:d.j.cole@kent.ac.uk, Phone: +44-1227-823664
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