Do Patients Treated For Voice Therapy With Telepractice Show Similar Changes In Voice Outcome Measures As Patients Treated Face To Face?


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Clinical Question: Do patients treated for voice therapy with telepractice show similar changes in voice outcome measures as patients treated face-to-face? Method: Systematic Review. Study Sources: MEDLINE, PubMed, Google Scholar, ASHA journals. Search Terms: Voice therapy OR telepractice OR telehealth OR telerehabilitation. Number of Included Studies: 6. Primary Results: Delivery of voice therapy by telepractice provided positive outcomes comparable to face-to-face delivery. Number of studies employing quantitative data is relatively limited, restricting generalization of results. Conclusions: The goal of the speech-language pathologist is to maximize functional outcomes for individuals with communication disorders. Evidence found in this literature review for the effectiveness of telepractice delivery for the treatment of voice disorders indicates that treatment outcomes are comparable to face-to-face therapy and shows promising scope for this mode of service delivery. Rangarathnam, B., Gilroy, H., & McCullough, G. H. (2016). Do patients treated for voice therapy with telepractice show similar changes in voice outcome measures as patients treated face-to-face? EBP Briefs, 11(5), 1–6. Bloomington, MN: NCS Pearson, Inc. Publisher version of record available at: Do Patients Treated for Voice Therapy With Telepractice Show Similar Changes in Voice Outcome Measures as Patients Treated Face-to-Face?
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