Acute and Chronic Mitotic Activity in Rat Laryngeal Muscles After Botulinum Toxin Injection


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recording analysis were performed off-line. The EMG of laryngeal muscle groups demonstrated three categories of activation as they relate to AbdSD speech breaks: delayed activation, premature activation, and sustained activation. Each of these categories, as applied to the laryngeal muscle groups studied, demonstrated subject-unique and intrasubject-consistent coordination and tone modulation. Although the number of subjects studied is small, this study demonstrated how the AbdSD disorder is complex and not a simple overactivation of the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle. Individuals with AbdSD are dissimilar in the expression of this disorder. Effective BoTox therapy for relief of symptomatic AbdSD speech needs to be tailored to the specific hyperactive laryngeal muscle group as dictated by laryngeal EMG.
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