The impact of electrode resistance on the biogalvanic characterisation technique

M P Karnes,E K Sequin, S Laufer, Sam E John,Lars Frich, Cameron C McIntyre


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Measurement of a tissue-specific electrical resistance may offer a discriminatory metric for evaluation of tissue health during cancer surgery. With a move toward minimally-invasive procedures, applicable contact sensing modalities must be scalable, fast and robust. A passive resistance characterisation method utilising a biogalvanic cell as an intrinsic power source has been proposed as a potentially suitable solution. Previous work has evaluated this system with results showing effective discrimination of tissue type and damage (through electroporation). However, aspects of the biogalvanic cell have been found to influence the characterisation performance, and are not currently accounted for within the system model. In particular, the electrode and salt-bridge resistance are not independently determined, leading to over-predictions of tissue resistivity. This paper describes a more comprehensive model and characterisation scheme, with electrode parameters and salt-bridge resistivity being evaluated independently. In a generalised form, the presented model illustrates how the relative resistive contributions from the electrodes and medium relate to the existing characterisation method efficacy. We also describe experiments with physiologically relevant salt solutions (1.71, 17.1, 154 mM), used for validation and comparison. The presented model shows improved performance over the current biogalvanic measurement technique at the median conductivity. Both the proposed and extant system models become unable to predict conductivity accurately at high conductivity due to the dominance of the J H Chandler et al Printed in the UK 101 PMEAE3 © 2016 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine 38 Physiol. Meas.
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