Conservation of indonesia plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in icabiograd gene bank


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Diversity of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA) represents a critical resource to achieve and maintain global food security. Indonesia rich on agro-ecosystem, and thus the agro-biodiversity. These genetic reservoirs is useful for crops and food diversification, farming methods, and plant improvement. Despite of its priceless, there are various factors threaten PGRFA. Ex-situ conservation in genebank is crusial to save PGRFA from extinction and to ensure the availability for utilization. The ultimate goal of genebank management is on maintaining availability, genetic integrity, and quality of the collections. The objective of this study is to review management practiced in ICABIOGRAD genebank. The genebank management practices is reviewed based on FAO standard. In ICABIOGRAD genebank, PGRFA are conserved and managed through serial activities, starting from germplasm acquisition, management, characterization, evaluation, documentation, and distribution for utilization. Currently, around 10.848 accession of PGRFA are conserved, comprise of 30 species which mainly are food crop. The germplasm are collected through explorations and donations. Germplasm are conserved as seed, plants, and tissue culture, depending on the biological and physiological characters of the plants. Twenty crop species with orthodox seed are stored in low temperature and low humidity to maximize its longevity as active and base collection. Ten tuberous crops species are conserved in the field and part of these collections are conserved in-vitro. Germplasm distributions to users are conducted as part of gene bank function to promote germplasm utilization. Sharing germplasm collection to another gene banks were conducted for safety duplication.
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