CO 2 seawater acidification by CCS-simulated leakage : Kinetic modelling of Zn , 1 Pb , Cd , Ni , Cr , Cu and As release from contaminated estuarine sediment using 2 pH-static leaching tests 3 4


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CO2 seawater acidification by CCS-simulated leakage: Kinetic modelling of Zn, 1 Pb, Cd, Ni, Cr, Cu and As release from contaminated estuarine sediment using 2 pH-static leaching tests 3 4 M.Camino Martín-Torre*, Gema Ruiz, Berta Galán, Javier R. Viguri 5 Green Engineering & Resources Research Group (GER), Department of Chemistry and 6 Process & Resources Engineering, ETSIIT, University of Cantabria, Avda. de los 7 Castros s/n, 39005 Santander, Cantabria, Spain 8 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 942 201583; fax: +34 942 206706 9 E-mail address: (M.C. Martín-Torre) 10 11 Highlights 12 • Kinetic element release in a pH-static leaching test using CO2 for acidification 13 • The model fits experimental release including the influence of Fe and other ions 14 • There is a leaching simulation over time under acidic scenarios up to pH=6 15 16 • CO2 and HNO3 acidifications lead to different kinetics during element release 17 18 • The generalised model proposed here is also useful for areas contaminated by 19 iron 20 21
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