Most common diseases and ailments of feet – prevention and treatment . Part I . Najczęstsze schorzenia i dolegliwości stóp – profilaktyka i leczenie .

Anna Galęba,Beata Bajurna,Jerzy T. Marcinkowski, Maria D. Głowacka


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Beauty and aesthetics of feet are very important, but also important is comfort and absence of pain and disease. In the case of feet it is a common phenomenon. Patients have many disease problems with the feet, is a significant social problem. The study presents a brief description of the most common diseases and ailments of feet, caused by micro-damages caused by permanent abnormal gait, poorly chosen shoes or deformed bones such as corn (Clavus), callus (Callus, Tyloma), or the problems caused by friction or high-grade compression – such as blisters (Bull Mechanic). It also presents other common diseases occurring within the foot, which include: EBA, bleeding in the heel that occurs most often in athletes (talon noir), ingrowing toenail, frostbitten feet (Congelatio), foot warts (verrucae plantares), athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), fungal toenails (Onychomycosis) and foot sweating (hyperhidrosis plantares). This article presents a brief description of each of the diseases or ailments of feet – their etiology, pathogenesis, symptoms, course, prevention and treatment.
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