Seroprevalence of High-Risk Human Papilloma virus type 18 ( Hr-HPV-18 ) Infections among Women with HIV-1 Infection on Long Term Suppressive Anti-Retroviral Therapy in a Tertiary Hospital in Jos , Nigeria


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We aimed to determine the sero-prevalence of Hr-HPV-18 among cohort of women with HIV-1 infectionon follow up at a Tertiary Hospital, Jos, Nigeria. A cross sectional hospital-based study involving 100 women with confirmed HIV-1–infection from a HIV treatment cohort. The blood samples of 91 participants were analyzed using ELISA kit. The mean age of the participants was 37.2±8.7years. Of the 91 tested samples, 13.2% were positive to anti-HPV antibodies. The prevalence of anti-HPV 18 antibodies was highest (15.6%) among women aged 31-44 years and women who were married (16.7%). Majority of the women were self-employed 49.4%. Antibodies detected were highest among women with non-formal education (33.3%). There was statistically significant antibody detectionamong women who had had at least 3 deliveries. Majority of infection was among those with low CD4. A test of association of all other factors showed no significant association except parity, P=0.044.The proportion of Anti-HPV-18 IgGwaslow compared withmost recent studies. There is the need for largerstudies with emphasis on cervical cancer screening programs as well as the introduction of a subsidized vaccine in national immunization scheme which are strategies that can curb the increasing burden of cervical cancer in Nigeria.
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