Anti-nutrients Composition of Fluted Pumpkin Leaf Grown in Different Geoponic Media *

Kalu Okonwu,Love A Akonye, Stephen I Mensah


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The anti-nutrient compositions of fluted pumpkin leaf grown in three different geoponic media were quantified. These media were white-sand (WS), humus soil (HS) and sawdust (SD). The anti-nutrients composition of matured pumpkin leaf assessed were alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, hydrogen cyanide, trypsin-inhibitor, oxalate, tannins and phytate. Standard analytical methods were followed in the determination of the anti-nutrient compositions. Phytate, tannin, oxalate, trypsin-inhibitor, hydrogen cyanide, and saponins contents (ppm) in fluted pumpkin leaf grown in WS, HS and SD were 7.131, 8.857 and 8.866; 1.436, 2.127 and 4.348; 3.814, 5.927 and 4.882; 0.959, 2.584 and 1.556; 0.007, 0.001 and 0.002; 4.175, 7.253 and 5.108, respectively while total flavonoids and total alkaloids contents (g/100g) were 7.679, 8.064 and 13.387, and 17.848, 9.077 and 12.445 in that same order. Among the groups of alkaloids, indole/benzypyrole (5.959, 1.059 and 3.885 g/100g) and quinoline (4.493, 4.507 and 5.041 g/100g) were the most abundant while acridine (0.008, 0.009 and 0.011 g/100g) and imidazole (0.001, 0.003 and 0.001 g/100g) were the least in the three treatments. Also, isoflavones (2.321, 3.731 and 5.551 g/100g) and flavan-3-ols (4.648, 3.918 and 7.226 g/100g) were the most concentrated subgroups of flavonoids while anthocyanin was the least (0.083, 0.083 and 0.082 g/100g) for WS, HS and SD, respectively. The study revealed that the bioactive content of T. occidentalis changes depending on the growth medium.
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