Implementation of Environmental Management System in Construction Industry : A Review

Mahmoud. M Farouq, Umar. F Lawan, Nura Garba,F. H Anwar, B. Z., Baba,M. S. Labbo,D. S Aliyu


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In now a days contribution of construction companies to environmental problems can clearly be stated as “thing speaks itself” meaning it generates significant impact to the environment. Comparing it to other industries, it is far behind in implementation of environmental management system. This paper aims to explore the benefits and the major barriers in the implementation of environmental management system in Construction Company. The study reviewed some of the research conducted on the implementation of EMS in Construction Company like USA, China, Hong Kong, Brazil, Spain and Ghana etc... From the review it was found that the major benefit of EMS implementation in construction are proactive environmental attitude, improvement in environmental performance, better access to sources of finance, improved corporate image, Lowering operating costs, Compliance with legislation and regulatory requirements on environmental protection, Improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of existing management systems and the major barriers are Lack of customer support, Lack of government/legislative pressure, High costs for implementation of EMS, Complex documentation process, Lack of support from staff and No company in the construction sector takes the initiative.
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