Simulation and Observation of Wind driven Waves in a Fetch-Limited Urban Estuary: Long

Alejandro Cifuentes-Lorenzen,James. O’Donnell, Mary. M Howard-Strobel, Todd. Fake


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11 We have evaluated the wave module of a hydrodynamic-wave coupled numerical model 12 inside an urban estuary. We performed four numerical experiments using different forcing scenarios 13 in order to test the ability of the model to capture the wave field statistics inside the estuary. The 14 geometry of the estuary renders the wave field fetch limited and leads to marked difference between 15 western and eastern areas. We were able to capture the local wave statistics after tuning the wave 16 growth and breaking spectral parameterizations. This allowed the model to differentiate stages of 17 wave development and better capture wave statistics inside the estuary. Although modifications 18 were linked to a bias high relative to the buoy observations under weak and fetch limited 19 circumstances we deemed the modifications necessary for moderate to strong forcing. Finally, the 20 last numerical experiment was forced with Superstorm Sandy 2012, considered an extreme weather 21 event for the region. For this simulation we also tested different bottom boundary closure schemes 22 for a hydrodynamic-wave coupled simulation; a classic log-layer and a wave perturbed bottom 23 boundary (Madsen 1994). The fully coupled simulation was able to capture the maximum values of 24 significant wave height and period recorded at the Western and Central locations of the estuary. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
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