The influence of natural unilateral cryptorchidism on sperm reserves and haematology of West African Dwarf ( WAD ) goats ( Capraaegagushircus ) .


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The prevalence of unilateral cryptorchidism and the influence of this reproductive disorder on sperm reserves and the haematology of West African Dwarf (WAD) bucks were studied in Enugu North Agricultural Zone of Enugu state, Nigeria. All the hemicryptorchidshad the right testicle retained in the abdominal cavity. In situmorphometric measurements revealed scrotal circumference that was higher (P<0.05) in normal bucks than in the hemicryptorchids.Theex situ scrotal testicular weight and volume of the hemicryptorchids were greater (P<0.001) than that of the contralateralintra-abdominal testis but compared well with the corresponding values from the left testis of the normal bucks. In both groups, there was positive correlation between gonadal/extragonadal weights and gonadal/extragonadal sperm reserves, with the combined testicular sperm reserves of bucks with fully descended testis being higher (P<0.05) than the combined values from the hemicryptorchids. Percentage sperm motility and sperm viability were lower (P<0.05) for the hemicryptorchids (48.64  4.38; 63.22 ± 6.36 respectively) than for normal bucks (87.25 5.45; 83.29 ± 2.25 respectively). The haematology of the two groups were similar. The study showed no benefit in the preferential use of hemicryptorchid bucks for breeding by some livestock farmers.
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