An Overview On Integration Of Cloud Computing And Internet

Sonia Arora, Vidyalaya Karwar,Rohit Sharma


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Cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT), two altogether different technologies, are both as of now part of our life. Their monstrous reception and utilize is required to increment further, making them essential segments of the Future Internet. A novel paradigm where Cloud and IoT are consolidated is predicted as problematic and an empowering agent of an expansive number of application situations. In this paper we concentrate on the incorporation of Cloud and IoT, which we call the CloudIoT paradigm. Numerous works in writing have overviewed Cloud and IoT independently: their fundamental properties, highlights, hidden technologies, and open issues. In any case, to the best of our insight, these works do not have a point by point investigation of the CloudIoT paradigm. To connect this hole, in this paper we audit the writing about the incorporation of Cloud and IoT. We begin breaking down and talking about the requirement for incorporating them, the difficulties getting from such mix, and how these issues have been handled in writing. We at that point depict application situations that have been displayed in writing, and stages both business and open source and ventures executing the CloudIoT paradigm.
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