Suppression of Glucose Absorption by sylvestre Leaves Some Fractions Extractedfrom Gymnema

Kazumasa SHIMIZU, Akira IINO, Junji NAKAJIMA,Katsunori TANAKA, Mikito ATSUCHIU, Tamaki WADAt, Chiaki YAMASHITA,Shinjiro NAKAJYO,Norimoto URAKAWA


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ABsTRAcr. Extracts centaining gyrnnemic acids, which were extracted from the leaves of Gymnema sytvestre (GS) as nine fractions, were evahiated for theiT effects on a high K"-induced contractien ef guinea-pig ileal longitudinal musc]es, on glucose transport mediated by the difference ofglucose-evoked transmural potential difference {APD) in the inverted intestine of guinea-pig and rat, and on b]ood g]ucese in rat. ATnong nine fractions obtained by high perfonmance liquid chromatography from the extract, f-2 and f-4 strongly suppressed the high K'-induced contraetion of the i]eal muscle, fi3 and f-5 did so moderately, and f-8 and f-9 did so weakly, whereas the other fractions did not affect it. The degree of suppressien ef high K"-induced contractien by f-2 at 74% was a]most the same as that of f-4 at 67%, at concentrations of O.1 mglmt. The suppressed contraction by f-2 or f-4 was recovered by adding 5.5 mM pyruvate. The APD increased by 5,5 mM glucose in the inverted intestines of guinea-pig and rat were equally svppressed by O,1 mglml of f-2 or f-4 to 40%, In a rat sucrose tolerance test, f-2 and f-4 suppressed thc e]cvation of blood glucose level. Both f-2 and f-4 suppressed lhe eontraction of guineapig ilea] iongitudina] muscle, interfered with the increase in APD induced by glucose in the invertecl intestines of guinea-pig and ra{, and inhibited the elevation of blood glucose ]cvel. In conclusion, it is suggested that sorne of the extract$ eontaining gymnerni ¢ acids from GS ]eaves uppress the elevation of blood glucose level by inhibiting glucose uptake in the intestine. KEy woRDs: blood glucose, gymnema extract, intestine, musc}e contraction, potcntiai difference. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 59<4): 245-251, 1997
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